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LET’S TALK CAKE: 01922 474 124

Perfection Foods is forming a trading cluster of key UK Food & Drink Manufacturers with its export partner Kapital Exports and will be taking their products on their behalf to specific export markets and selecting suitable partners within those markets to trade with individual businesses within the Cluster.  Once partners have been successfully selected ,Perfection Foods and Kapital Export will then invite those buyers over to the UK to meet the suppliers, through strategically organised 1:1 meetings.

The first one of these events will take place at Perfection Foods newly built bakery dedicated to export markets that was opened by Lord Green (Minister for Trade and Investment) in 2012 as a results of their rapid growth received from working within export markets, with their partner Kapital Exports.

The first trade cluster will take place end of March with a focus on Malta.  This cluster will be strict invitation only to key UK manufacturers interested in exporting to Malta.  Kapital Exports will take the products on behalf of the cluster, through a strategically organised exhibition in Malta where key buyers will be invited to the UK discuss the clusters products.

During Q4 2014 Kapital Exports will bring over key buyers from Malta and arrange strategically organised 1:1 meetings in order to establish trade.

Once trade is established Kapital Exports will facilitate all ongoing trade between supplier and buyer providing a one stop solution.


Objectives of forming Trade Cluster

The objectives in creating a cluster is to provide UK producers/suppliers with a total export solution. As many UK businesses do not have dedicated export managers, Kapital Exports will pre sell and market their products, source potential partners and bring them to the UK on their door step to discuss trading with them.


First Trade Cluster to Malta

Kapital Exports will select key UK food and drink Manufacturers/suppliers and take their products on their behalf to the island of Malta during an event scheduled to take place at Perfection Foods in Walsall during March 2014.  As Kapital Exports has been exporting with Perfection Foods for a number of years to this market and has established relationships with importers and buyers, they will present the clusters products to them in the form of a strategically organised, niche exhibition.  Kapital Exports will negotiate on behalf of the UK suppliers and select suitable buyers from Malta and invite them to the UK for 1:1 meetings.  The businesses involved in the cluster will also have an opportunity to receive strategic advice in how to adapt their product range so that its suitable for Malta ahead of their 1.1 meetings.

Kapital Exports will arrange a “Meet The Buyer Malta” event scheduled for Q4 in Birmingham where they will bring over those key buyers/partners and allow them to meet the suppliers through strategically organised 1.1 meetings.

At this event there will also be an opportunity for other UK manufacturers/suppliers to meet the buyers and have their very own display stand where they can present their products.

The event will also be open and welcomed to any UK suppliers wishing to spectate.  All businesses that attend the event will have the opportunity to network with experienced exporters and buyers from the market during a networking lunch, once the meet the buyer event is over.


Criteria for Businesses involved in this cluster

  • Businesses must be from the UK Food & Drink Sector
  • Businesses must be interested in exporting to Malta (if successful they may be included in other trade clusters to other markets)
  • Businesses involved ideally should have a turnover of £5 million plus


Reasons why we have selected Malta for this first Trade Cluster

  • Our key partners Perfection Foods and Kapital Exports who will be facilitating the export process have been exporting to Malta for over 5 years and have established contacts in the market and understand the markets needs & requirements
  • Malta has shared good links with the UK for many years and so many British products and brands are already well established in Malta
  • The Maltese regard British goods as high quality products and so “Brand Britain “sells very well
  • Malta is a good stepping stone for British Businesses looking at exports for the first time or who are early in their journey of exports due to many factors such as the size of the market
  • Its a good location to test your products within Mediterranean/warmer climates on a smaller and safe scale
  • If your products are well received in Malta then Perfection Foods and Kapital Exports have strong links with North African markets eg Libya where there will be potential for your products to enter flowing on from Malta
  • Malta is within the EU and so there are less trade restrictions compared to other markets


Benefits to the businesses of being part of this cluster

  • Chance to have their products displayed in a strategically organised niche exhibition in Malta focussed on key Maltese Importers/buyers
  • If successful in this cluster they will have their products presold for them in the market and buyers will travel to the UK to meet them during the “Meet the Buyer” event planned for Q4 in Birmingham
  • Any business involved will have the chance to be including in ongoing Trade Clusters focussed on key markets eg  India, South America, Scandinavia etc
  • If trade is established then the businesses will get an export solution provided to them by Kapital Exports who will be facilitating all ongoing trade on their behalf
  • They will also receive free national and regional PR being part of this first cluster
  • All Businesses that Qualify and attend will be involved in the Birmingham event in Q4 and will be given an opportunity to have a display stand when they meet the buyers from Malta
  • Kapital Exports will help identify potential buyers/partners in Malta for the businesses involved in the cluster and they will be given specialist care and support provided by export experts experienced in the market


Future Clusters

As Perfection Foods partner Kapital Exports has strong relationships with buyers and major importers from all over the world, Kapital Exports plans to organise many trade clusters in markets it understands very well and where it has strong and established relationships within.

Some of the future trade clusters it will be creating are within the following markets:

  • India
  • South America
  • North Africa
  • China
  • Scandinavia
  • Caribbean
  • Thailand
  • Central America
  • Mainland Europe
  • Southern Europe

The next Trade Cluster is expected to take place to India.  If you are a business interested becoming part of one of these clusters please contact us on

If you are interested in sponsoring any of the trade events both UK and Overseas that are arranged please email us on

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Perfection Foods Limited

If you would like to speak to us, please call us or email for any inquiries or further information.

Head Office Address

Perfection Foods Ltd
Bath House,
Walsall Enterprise Park,

T: +44 (0)1922 474 124